What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag for More Than One Child
Written by Sandra Gauci @itsallmotherhood
Remember when you were able to grab your phone, wallet and keys and head out the door? Well gone are those days when you have a baby or child - ESPECIALLY when you have more than one!
You’ve got to pack a diaper bag that holds everything you may need, maybe even a cooler bag for either your child’s food, drink, breastmilk if you’re expressing or formula! Going from needing three essential items before you became a mom to now having to pack multiple bags, it can be daunting to think about what you need to pack when you have more than one child, especially if they’re close in age.

Featured: Charlie Tote Diaper Bag
Of course, you’ll need a great diaper bag to start off with. A diaper backpack is highly recommended when you have a few children, you may need to hold their hands or push a pram, so a hands-free option would be extremely helpful. A diaper tote is great too. For both of these, look out for bags that have heaps of compartments and pockets, including insulated pockets for a bottle if needed. The last thing you want to do is rummage through a full bag not knowing where a diaper is at the worst possible moment! Most bags come with pram clips which are super handy.

You’ll need at least one full spare outfit for each child (including socks and underwear), you just never know how dirty they can get while out or if they have an accident, especially if you’ll be out all day. Diapers, diaper bags and baby wipes are the obvious. Don’t forget the diaper rash cream if needed!
Snacks - how could you forget those when your children ask for a snack every ten minutes! Food for your children and their water bottles, and if you have a baby who has expressed breast milk or formula - don’t forget those too. Burp cloths, bibs, dummies and a dummy clip (or two!) so they don’t drop their dummy on a nasty surface. Blankets and spare jackets are great to have in case you’re out for longer than expected and it starts to get chilly. If you use a nipple shield to nurse your baby - don’t forget that too!
You’ll need teething toys for your baby’s growing teeth, and toys in general if you’re out for a while and you know where you’re going may not have anything to keep your children occupied.

Here are some additional items to add to your diaper bag that you may not have thought of: a wet bag or two - these are SO handy to have if your children get dirty in the mud or rain, or if they spill paint, drinks or food, and especially if they have an accident that leaks through their clothing. You can keep the clothing in the wet bag where they won’t touch or dirty other things in there, then you can just empty it when you get home straight into the washing machine (or bucket if soaking is required)! Hand sanitiser is also great to have in case there isn’t any soap provided wherever you are or there’s no bathroom nearby to wash their hands.
And lastly, don’t forget to pack some sun protection - sunscreen and hats to protect your little ones from the sun. A super helpful tip is to always have the diaper bag packed and ready to go at all times, or at least the night before. This will save you so much time in the morning when you already have to get all the kids dressed, fed and ready to go out.
You may feel a little overwhelmed thinking of what to pack in your diaper bag when you head out with all the kids, but once you start doing it, you’ll get used to it and you’ll be a pro!
Shop our bestselling range of spacious diaper bags here